Hello, my dearest readersssss!


Have you ever wondered what a conversation with Freddie Mercury may be like? I did, and thanks to AI's magic, it happened! Not only was it cool to speak with the great artist via AI, but it also provided insight into the future of language acquisition.

Indeed, there are difficulties. The AI's reactions occasionally seemed a little too robotic. Furthermore, we must not undervalue the significance of genuine human connection. However, who said that we couldn't have the best of both worlds?

There is more to using AI for language learning than just conversing with well-known people. The goal is to make education highly entertaining, interactive, and personalized.

Imagine this: I took a seat, entered my questions, and voila! AI gave the same response that Freddie would. It felt exciting yet also weird. Through this encounter, I was able to see how AI may transform language learning from dry textbooks into enjoyable games. I wrote a report about the experience after our conversation. It helped me realize how disruptive AI could be in the classroom. Imagine practicing your Spanish with a virtual Penélope Cruz or your French with a virtual Victor Hugo in place of boring grammatical lessons. It's similar to having a live, highly demanded-language teacher!

So let's look forward to more language classes using AI. Who knows, maybe I'll be talking to Einstein or Shakespeare the next time? Learning appears to have an even brighter future ahead of it, with countless possibilities!

HERE is the Google document of the interview with the great artist!

I would like to share my report too!




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